If you're looking to create a handmade gift, that is inexpensive, but still holds a personal touch, then try ModgePodging Wooden Coat Hangers.
All you need is ...
- One Serviette per Coat Hanger
- Wooden Coat Hangers
- ModgePodge
You will need to remove the Ply's till you get to the 1 top Ply {the patterned Serviette often come in 2 or 3 Ply}, smooth ModgePodge onto the Coat Hanger, start along the base first by cutting a strip off, then rip and layer until the Coat Hanger is covered.
Allow to air dry, but separate the Coat Hangers, as they may stick to each other.
If you are in a hurry, then use a Heat Tool to speed up the drying process.
My Coat Hangers were all made with the same patterned Serviette, but each turned out differently.
You can usually purchase Serviettes in the singles from your local craft shop, such as "The Creative Craft Room" in Stoke.
Whilst trying to write this article for my website The JorjaRose Files, and they be like sitting on my legs!!!
Momma Madi on the bottom, left is Maisy-Daisy, and top right is Chonky Boy Felix The Pug