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Showing posts with label Follow My Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Follow My Heart. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Paris Themed Card, Book and Key-Ring

Recently I tried my first Modge Podge project,  a Paris themed book, but it is actually a hidden box!
I also made a gorgeous card and matching Key-Ring with flattened Soda Pop Tops.

Paris Themed Card …
I had fun incorporating the new “Follow My Heart” and SAB “Banner Blast” stamp sets, and the matching Banner Punch with this card.
I used the Illuminate Glimmer Watermark Stampin’ Pad on the embossed Pretty Print Textured Impressions to make the card pop.
For the inside of the card I stamped the image twice with Real Red ink, onto a separate sheet of Naturals White Cardstock .
The Chalk Talk Framelits {+ Big Shot} were used to cut the image, I then cut out the word “SOMETHING” out of the second image with my Paper Snips, which was layered with Dimensionals on to Basic Gray cardstock.
I then cut around the edges {of the Basic Grey cardstock}, leaving a slight margin, then layered with Dimensionals on to the first image.
The final layered image was then adhered to the card with my favourite double sided tape – phew!
Although this card was made for my best friend as a birthday card/gift, it could also be used as a sweet Valentine's Card.

Paris Themed Book …
I started by purchasing a wooden box with hinges for $10.50, and transforming it into this cute Paris themed book/box, which I have seen similar for sale at The Mall for $30+!!!
I used 3Ply Serviettes and separated the layers, using just the top patterned layer.
With one thin layer of Modge Podge on the wooden box, I layered the Paris themed serviette on top and smoothed it down. I left to try for 8 hours, and then added a second coat of Midge Podge, and left overnight to dry.
I finished the inside of the box with the gorgeous “Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69, and grey Ribbon.

Paris Themed Key-Rings …
I flattened the Soda Pop Tops using my Big Shot, with the No. 2 Platform removed.
For the Key-Rings, I used my 1” 2.5cm Circle Punch to punch a couple of the images from the serviettes.
I used Modge Podge to adhere the very fine and flimsy serviette circle to the flattened Soda Pop Top and left to dry.
I then used “Crystal Effects” and a sprinkling of Dazzling Diamonds, and left to dry overnight.
My trusty Crop-A-Dile was used to punch a hole and then I slid a split ring through the Soda Pop Tops to make the Key-Ring.

"Happy Birthday Megan!"

"Follow My Heart"
#134614 Clear $26.95
#134611 Wood Mount $33.95

"Lovely Romance"
#130267 Clear Mount $33.95
#130264 Wood Mount $41.95


"Chalk Talk"
Bundle set includes matching Framelits
#132730 Clear Mount $81.50
#132731 Wood Mound $96.75
#130634 Clear Mount $43.95
#130631 Wood Mount $54.95

“Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69

"Banner Blast" stamp set and matching "Banner" Punch {Sale-A-Bration 2014}

Recipe Ingredient List
Stamp Sets: Banner Blast {SAB 2014}, Chalk Talk, Follow My Heart, Lovely Romance,
Cardstock: Cardstock Naturals White, Real Red, Basic Gray, “Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69
Ink: Basic Black, Real Red, and Illuminate Glimmer Watermark 
Framelits: Chalk Talk
Punch:  Banner {SAB 2014}, Small Heart. 1” 2.5cm Circle Punch
Embossing Folder: “Pretty Print Textured Impressions”

Special Tools/Xtras: Bakers Twine, Bitty Buttons, Crop-A-Dile, Crystal Effects, Dazzling Diamonds, Dimensionals, Big Shot, Stampin’ Trimmer

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