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Showing posts with label Paretei Lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paretei Lodge. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Paretei Lodge – Craft Retreat

 Last weekend I was very grateful to be invited to a craft retreat weekend at Paretei Lodge, in the Lee Valley.
I met some amazing women, who all had their own special crafty talents.
On the Saturday morning, we did a make and take, as each one of us was asked to prepare a project to demonstrate one-on-one.
My project was a card {colours inspired by a scrapbook layout by Jacque Williams} I had taught the previous week at my "Create With Kathe" Craft Class ...

We were then paired up with another crafty lady, we shared our craft, and they made the project, we then swapped over and made their project.

Gill's original card on the left, my attempt on the right!

I learnt a gorgeous new way of card-making, with watercolour paint and Indian Ink {see above piccies}.

One of the make and takes, was a Flax Flower, Maori customs say that the first is Flax Flower made is to be given away, and I was very fortunate to receive it.

Jill taught how to make flowers from egg cartons, and we all had a go!

After a shared lunch, I taught two Classes, the first was the Braided Card, and the second card was the Flower Pot Card.

Theses are some of the cards made by the ladies ...

And here are my versions ...

couldn't believe it when I started demonstrating, and realised I had forgotten my Black StazOn Ink Pad, my Stampin’ Scrub, and enough Pearl Basic Jewels {the Flower Pot Card took 30!!!}, along with my “Project Life Cards and Labels” Framelits!!!.
We improvised with Night Of Navy ink, a borrowed Stampin’ Scrub, and rationed out the Pearls, and we found had an Extra Large Oval Punch on hand to punch the sentiment on the Flower Pot card!
We finished around 5pm, then we all drove down the Valley to the local pub, where we had a yummy dinner surrounded by all our new friends.
Some of the ladies went back to the Lodge, to stay a 2nd night {some ladies stayed Friday night too}, and they had gorgeous Feijoa Crumble for dessert … envy much!!!
I got home at about 9pm, and was shattered, but loved the day so much, and can’t wait till we have our next retreat.

If you are interested in hiring Paretai Lodge, or have any enquiries regarding this amazing camping retreat, please contact Margaret on email or phone 03 54 75036  

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