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Showing posts with label Car Boot Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Car Boot Sale. Show all posts

Sunday 29 April 2012

My Very First Car Boot Sale!

Yesterday I went to my very first Car Boot Sale!
I met some awesome people, doing it for themselves!
First up I met a really lovely lady that made Lavender and Hop Pillows - so yummy!

"Lavender and Hop Pillows" 

Next I met Neil from "Town & Country Recycling".
Neil had for sale an outdoor seat made from rimu bed-heads, and my favourite, a mobile rabbit hutch, made from an old BBQ table (with wheels), with a rabbit hutch on top, perfect for moving around the backyard!
What an imagination!

Finally I came across Mrs Walker from “The Muffin Ladies”.
She had on display yummy muffins, cakes and slices + gorgeous dresses and skirts for girls and ladies of any age, at really reasonable prices.
We got chatting about the bows on the dresses, and I mentioned that a “Turkey Fork” was ideal for making the perfect bow.

I just happened to have on hand a Turkey Fork, as I had just purchased a set of 2 for $5 (I later saw a brand new set in a shop for $259!!!)!

We are going to get together so I can teach her how to make a bow with her own Turkey Fork, which I gave to her (as I had 2), but Mrs Walker insisted on paying half the price paid, which was very generous of her!

BTW you can also use an old Potato Masher to make THE perfect bow too!
See below...

 So all in all, I really loved the Car Boot Sale, and I think I may just go back again this weekend!!!
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