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Showing posts with label Hardwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardwood. Show all posts

Monday 19 July 2021

My Best Friend's Gender Reveal Party ...

My Best Friend's Gender Reveal Party ...

What do you do when your best friend tells you that she is pregnant ... start planning the Gender Reveal Party of course!

On Saturday, Aleisha and Ryan celebrated their new baby boy due December 2021, and also revealed they are pregnant with twins!!!
We find out the gender of the second twin in three weeks.
I knew of course, but have had to keep it quiet these past 17 weeks, which was oh so hard!

Aleisha wanted to do a Gift Table, so that each guest went home with a handmade gift.
There were 60 gifts that I made, ranging from Calendar Fridge Magnets, Calendar Notebooks and Decorated 3B1 Notebooks, what a BIG job!!!

I also made two framed artworks for the Nursery, and a cute matching card.
There were little details on the framed artworks, like the Teddy Bear holding the Calendar with December written on it.
I always add a tonne of pearls, but always odd numbers, like 3 large Pearls, and 5 small Pearls ...

I hope you enjoy the medley of ALL these photos taken at the Baby Shower, and of the gifts I made ...

"Photo Wall and Grazing Table"

"Grazing Table"

"Drinks Table"

"Gift Table"

And these are the Gifts I made, first off the Mini Calendar Fridge Magnets...

And the Mini Calendar Notebooks ...

Whenever I have a bulk order to make, I always pre-cut everything,
 then make an assembly line ...

I was really honoured that Aleisha asked my daughter JorjaRose to be the Photographer/Videographer at the party.
From my family to yours, wishing you all the best for the journey ahead Aleisha and Ryan ... with TWINS!

Another "Create With Kathe" Original

#JorjaRoseNZ #SocialMediaMaven #CreateWithKathe #HandmadeWithLove #MyBestFriendsGenderReveal #Twins! #TwinBoys #CraftinTillYouBleed!

Monday 22 June 2015

Sally and Kathe’s Stampin’ Up! Sneak Peak Launch

Well, I have finally downloaded the photos from our Catty Launch, back on Sunday 31St May!
We had an amazing afternoon of fun and laughter, and we, along with our guests really enjoyed the afternoon.

At each place setting, there was a new catty, along with a handmade paper-crafted gift from Sally, and a 3”x3” card {cased via Glenda Calkins from “The Stamp Camp”} in the new In Colours, along with a bookmark {cased via Erica B. Cerwin from “PinkBuckaroo Designs”}, showing ALL the new In Colours, made via moi.

As each guest arrived, they were given a lucky number (made with my Ornate Tag Topper Punch and Perforating Blade}, as we had a Prize Patrol table, lined up with 27 gifts!
That meant each guest also went home with a prize, and 7 lucky ladies received a second prize from the table. There were stamp sets, ink pads, Stampin’ Write Markers, a Stampin’ Scrub + many other goodies on the table.

Sally and I had a display table {whoopsee – forgot to take a photo!} of samples, Sally concentrated on samples made with the new Gift Bag Punch Board, and I concentrated on samples using the new In Colours.

We split the guests into two groups and we both taught our project, Sally taught her gorgeous Gift Bag, using the NEW Gift Bag Punch Board, and I taught a card, that had a bookmark attached {again using my Perforating Blade}.

We then took a wee break for some yummy afternoon tea.
Sally made an amazing two layered cake and decorated it as a wedding cake, a two of our guests {who just happened to be sisters} were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary!

We then cracked on and switched the groups up and re-taught our projects.

We all had a really lovely afternoon, and met some new friends, and can't wait to do it all over again!

Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave a comment.

Happy craftin’


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