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Showing posts with label Chameleon Pens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chameleon Pens. Show all posts

Saturday 28 March 2015

Chameleon Pens: First Attempt ...

Yup …  I got my hands on the new Chameleon Pens!
Jen and I sat down for a “colour off” - which she won naturally as she is a star of colouring!
At the end of the day, the comment was “not bad”!
Not bad … absolutely amazing!!!

The colours were luminous, and I love that one pen can go from light to oh so dark, in a matter of seconds using the Mixing Chamber, and infusing with a colourless toning  medium, which is conveniently located at the end of each pen.

By varying the time from 5 seconds to 20 seconds, you can get a whole range of colour, and create depth and dimension.
For more info head on over to the Chameleon Pens website 


Well the countdown is on, because my Chameleon Pens are in the sky at the moment, and I am really looking forward to receiving my next BBB {Big Brown Box}, and to getting my Chameleon on!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and if you would like to make a Stampin’ Up! purchase online, please head on over  to my Stampin’ Up! website.

Happy craftin’,

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