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Showing posts with label Kathe's Kitchen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kathe's Kitchen. Show all posts

Sunday 26 January 2014

Best $6 Ever Spent … “THE Chocolate Fountain”

My daughter JorjaRose had saved her pocket money up {she gets $3 a week!}, and our local department store had a sale on, AND we came across a Chocolate Fountain for $6!!!
Looooong story short, I encouraged her to buy it {not for my eating pleasure of course!!!}.
So far we have tried Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate and Cadbury White Chocolate, both were extra yummy!
I cut up healthy strawberries and bananas, and not so healthy marshmallows!
The best ever were toasted marshmallows {toasted on the gas cook-top}, then dunked in delicious chocolate … mmmmmmm Heaven with a capital H!
We also tried toasting the bananas, which caramelised them a bit, and the strawberries too!

My top tip is NOT to melt the chocolate in the microwave, as the instruction sheet says!!!
Tis what {unbeknownst to me} JorjaRose did, I woke up to the house smelling rancid, as the first block of chocolate was burnt to a crisp and the whole house was stunk out!
Instead, place water in a pot on the cook-top, place a bowl on top of the water, melt the chocolate and cooking oil in the bowl, stirring occasionally.
I used way less cooking oil than the instruction sheet said, which is much healthier too!
Calories wise, my rule of thumb is, there only as many calories counted, as time spent on the stick.

Therefore each gorgeous morsel is worth 5 calories!!!

I may just have to limit this treat to once a week, instead of every second night!

Monday 20 January 2014

Kathe's Kitchen: "Homemade Lem♥onade"

I was recently given a recipe for Lemonade from my good friend Sally.
Well, I have adapted and added my own twist, and here it is ...

Kathe's "Homemade Lem♥onade"

Kathe's "Homemade Lem♥onade"
Zest of 3 Lemons
Juice of 8 Lemons
3 cups of Water
3 cups of Sugar  {next time I may reduce the Sugar!!!!}
1 teaspoon Citric Acid
1 teaspoon Tartaric Acid
1/4 teaspoon Epsom Salts

After juicing the Lemons, I then strained the juice to get rid of any stray seeds etc.
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, bring to the boil and then simmer for 1 minute.
Leave to cool before bottling.

                         Bottle is shaken here,                         Bottle is NOT shaken here
                      note the Zest floating ... 

This recipe is very strong, so you only need to add a fraction of syrup to a glass {approx. 1cm in depth} before topping with carbonated water i.e. Soda Stream {but without the flavour added} .
An xtra cool and refreshing drink, which any spirit can be added to, Vodka, Tequila, Gin ... yum!!!

I just had to add a video of the drink bubbling away, the spray of the bubbles were jumping so high that they actually touched the camera!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Kathe's Kitchen: “Yonanas Banana, Boysenberry, and Orange Dream”

Well I have been experimenting with my new "Yonanas" Healthy Dessert Maker, and I  it!
I have been trying out a few new combos, which I want to share ...
Try out this refreshing dessert, or healthy breakfast treat ...

"Yonanas Banana, Boysenberry, and Orange Dream” 

“Yonanas Banana, Boysenberry, and Orange Dream”
2 frozen Bananas
6 frozen Boysenberries
2 frozen Orange Juicies
My Biggest hint is to pull apart and disassemble your "Yonanas" machine after use, as there is allot of the dessert mixture left behind in the different parts, as you can see from this piccie!!! 


Kathe's Kitchen: “Yonanas Banana, Strawberry, Apricot and Orange Dream”

Well I have been experimenting with my new "Yonanas" Healthy Dessert Maker, and I  it!
I have been trying out a few new combos, which I want to share ...
Try out this refreshing dessert, or healthy breakfast treat ...

"Yonanas Banana, Strawberry, Apricot and Orange Dream”

“Yonanas Banana, Strawberry, Apricot and Orange Dream”
3 frozen Bananas
2 frozen Strawberries
2 frozen Orange Juicies
1 Pottle of frozen Apricot Yoghurt
My Biggest hint is to pull apart and disassemble your "Yonanas" machine after use, as there is allot of the dessert mixture left behind in the different parts, as you can see from this piccie!!! 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Kathe's Kitchen: “Yonanas Banana, Apricot and Orange Dream”

I recently redeemed my FlyBuys points for a “YonanasFruit Ice-Cream Maker.
Being Summer here in New Zealand, I have been having fun making up different recipes to try out in my new Yonanas!

My BIGgest  hint is to pull apart and disassemble your Yonanas machine after use, as there is allot of the dessert mixture left behind in the different parts, as you can see from my piccies!!!

My first recipe combines 3 frozen bananas, 2 frozen Juicies and a pottle of Apricot Yoghurt, which I popped in the freezer overnight {once frozen divide the frozen yoghurt up into 1/4s}, + a touch of Cinnamon to taste.

“Yonanas Banana, Apricot and Orange Dream”
3 frozen bananas
2 frozen Orange Juicies
1 Pottle of frozen Apricot Yoghurt
Cinnamon to taste

I combined the ingredients as follows, down the Yonanas shoot:

Mmmmmmm … a nice refreshing and cooling desert on such a hot Summers day!

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