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Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day. Show all posts

Thursday 23 April 2015

RE# With "Create With Kathe" for Wednesday 22nd April 2015

At this weeks RE# Class, we remade two Valentine Cards ...

This Valentines Card was from the "Create With Kathe" 29th January Class, to view the original posts and ingredient list please click here ...

And this Valentines Card was from the "Create With Kathe" 15th January Class, to view the original posts and ingredient list please click here.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and if you would like to make a Stampin’ Up! purchase online, please head on over  to my Stampin’ Up! website.

Happy craftin’,


Sunday 15 February 2015

Valentine Pop Out Swing Card

Happy Valentine’s Day …
Today is Valentine’s Day, and although I did not receive a Valentine, nor had a “Happy Valentine’s Day” from my hubby, I just had to commemorate this “holiday” with a card …

I first saw this sketch/design via Dawn Griffith’s, and yesterday spotted a beautiful version by Julie Davison, so decided to put the “Kathe” touch on my own version.

The card-base is Soft Sky, measuring 5, ½” x 8” and scored at 4”
The Real Red pop out/swing is 3, ½” x 3, ½”, and the Whisper White layer is 3” x 3”
The insert panel is 5” x 6” and scored at 2” and 4” along the 6” side

Score the card-base at 4” and fold.   Cut a square {measuring 3, ½” x 3, ½”} with the “Squares Collection” Framelits which will become the opening for the Pop Out Swing.
Adhere the Whisper White 3” x 3” cardstock to the Real Red cardstock measuring 3, ½” x 3, ½”.
On the 3” x 3” Whisper White cardstock, the gorgeous {and brand new, fresh from the BBB (Big Brown Box) today} stamp set “Sheltering Tree” is stamped in Early Espresso for the tree trunk.
For the blossom, a layer of Blushing Bride is stamped, then a layer of Strawberry Slush, which has been stamped off once {onto scrap paper}, and slightly out of line to give a 2 tone effect.

For the card insert, I also did the same colour way {Blushing Bride and Strawberry Slush} onto a scrap of WW cardstock, before punching out the hearts with the “Sweetheart” Punch and heart from the “Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack”.

The card insert is folded concertina style, and also features a row of hearts, made with the “Hearts Border” Punch.
Back to the 3” x 3” Whisper White cardstock, the grass is stamped in Pear Pizzazz which has also been stamped off once onto scrap paper before being stamped.
The sentiment “Crazy About” is from the “Crazy About You” stamp set, and stamped in Real Red, with the banner ends made with the “Banner” Punch.
The sentiment banner is raised with Stampin’ Dimensionals.

The gorgeous word “you” is from the matching “Hello You” Thinlits Dies, and is in Real Red cardstock {and I have to say that I love love love this new Thinlits set … so cute!}.
The “Crazy About You”/”Hello You” Bundle also arrived in the BBB this morning - yipppeee!

a close-up of the two-tone blossoms

Wah-lah … "Valentine Pop Out Swing Card" done!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by, and if you would like to make a Stampin’ Up! purchase online, please head on over  to my Stampin’ Up! website.

Happy craftin’,

Recipe Ingredient List
Stamp Sets : “Crazy About You”, “Sheltering Tree”
Ink : Blushing Bride, Early Espresso, Pear Pizzazz, Real Red, Strawberry Slush
Cardstock :  Real Red, Soft Sky, Whisper White,
Framelits : “Hello You”, “Squares Collection”
Punches : “Banner”, “Hearts Border”, “Itty Bitty Accents Punch Pack”, “Sweetheart”
Xtras : Stampin’ Dimensionals,

Special Tools : Big Shot, Stampin’ Scrub and Stampin’ Cleaner, Stampin Trimmer, 

Friday 14 February 2014

“Valentine’s Day Cup-Cakes”

Today is Valentine’s Day, and JorjaRose had a “shared lunch” at school today.  
Sooooo we decided on a Valentine’s Day theme for her “plate”

Each child is asked to bring a plate of finger-food to share, what with 600+ kids at school, and 200+ in her Syndicate, there was quite an array of goodies to eat!

Last night, JorjaRose made these cup-cakes by herself with supervision from moi.

We used a packet of “Edmonds Angelic Vanilla Cake”, and only had to add an egg and some water to the mixture {as per the directions}.
Instead of baking a Cake, we decided to make Cup-Cakes, and there was enough batter to make 18 Cup-Cakes!

AND this morning she was up at 7am ready to ice the Cup-Cakes!!!

When we went to make the icing, we discovered we had no food colouring, so added Jelly Crystals in the icing, which gave it the pink colour.

We made these cute little Toppers by re-purposing paint strip samples, and punched out a zillion hearts in different colours of pinks, and then we used double-sided tape to adhere to the long toothpick skewers.

At the shared lunch, JorjaRose’s Valentine’s Day Cup-Cakes were the first to go; secretly I think the little girls just wanted the heart Toppers!!!


Wednesday 8 January 2014

Paris Themed Card, Book and Key-Ring

Recently I tried my first Modge Podge project,  a Paris themed book, but it is actually a hidden box!
I also made a gorgeous card and matching Key-Ring with flattened Soda Pop Tops.

Paris Themed Card …
I had fun incorporating the new “Follow My Heart” and SAB “Banner Blast” stamp sets, and the matching Banner Punch with this card.
I used the Illuminate Glimmer Watermark Stampin’ Pad on the embossed Pretty Print Textured Impressions to make the card pop.
For the inside of the card I stamped the image twice with Real Red ink, onto a separate sheet of Naturals White Cardstock .
The Chalk Talk Framelits {+ Big Shot} were used to cut the image, I then cut out the word “SOMETHING” out of the second image with my Paper Snips, which was layered with Dimensionals on to Basic Gray cardstock.
I then cut around the edges {of the Basic Grey cardstock}, leaving a slight margin, then layered with Dimensionals on to the first image.
The final layered image was then adhered to the card with my favourite double sided tape – phew!
Although this card was made for my best friend as a birthday card/gift, it could also be used as a sweet Valentine's Card.

Paris Themed Book …
I started by purchasing a wooden box with hinges for $10.50, and transforming it into this cute Paris themed book/box, which I have seen similar for sale at The Mall for $30+!!!
I used 3Ply Serviettes and separated the layers, using just the top patterned layer.
With one thin layer of Modge Podge on the wooden box, I layered the Paris themed serviette on top and smoothed it down. I left to try for 8 hours, and then added a second coat of Midge Podge, and left overnight to dry.
I finished the inside of the box with the gorgeous “Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69, and grey Ribbon.

Paris Themed Key-Rings …
I flattened the Soda Pop Tops using my Big Shot, with the No. 2 Platform removed.
For the Key-Rings, I used my 1” 2.5cm Circle Punch to punch a couple of the images from the serviettes.
I used Modge Podge to adhere the very fine and flimsy serviette circle to the flattened Soda Pop Top and left to dry.
I then used “Crystal Effects” and a sprinkling of Dazzling Diamonds, and left to dry overnight.
My trusty Crop-A-Dile was used to punch a hole and then I slid a split ring through the Soda Pop Tops to make the Key-Ring.

"Happy Birthday Megan!"

"Follow My Heart"
#134614 Clear $26.95
#134611 Wood Mount $33.95

"Lovely Romance"
#130267 Clear Mount $33.95
#130264 Wood Mount $41.95


"Chalk Talk"
Bundle set includes matching Framelits
#132730 Clear Mount $81.50
#132731 Wood Mound $96.75
#130634 Clear Mount $43.95
#130631 Wood Mount $54.95

“Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69

"Banner Blast" stamp set and matching "Banner" Punch {Sale-A-Bration 2014}

Recipe Ingredient List
Stamp Sets: Banner Blast {SAB 2014}, Chalk Talk, Follow My Heart, Lovely Romance,
Cardstock: Cardstock Naturals White, Real Red, Basic Gray, “Tea For Two” Designer Series Paper, currently on Clearance Rack for $4.69
Ink: Basic Black, Real Red, and Illuminate Glimmer Watermark 
Framelits: Chalk Talk
Punch:  Banner {SAB 2014}, Small Heart. 1” 2.5cm Circle Punch
Embossing Folder: “Pretty Print Textured Impressions”

Special Tools/Xtras: Bakers Twine, Bitty Buttons, Crop-A-Dile, Crystal Effects, Dazzling Diamonds, Dimensionals, Big Shot, Stampin’ Trimmer

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