Gift Vouchers ... Love 'em or Hate 'em ...
I do NOT like
These businesses that take your/our money, and give us gift vouchers, and do not front up with the goods and/or $s is crap!!!
My letter to them ...
Hi There,
Regarding: Pezzycard 4693 9600 0240 0389
My son received the above Prezzycard in the mail for his birthday, from an Uncle in Wellington.
When we went to use at at The Warehouse in Nelson, they would not accept it as payment, as "we did not know the Pin number".
I have since discovered that the card has now expired.
We are requesting a new card be issued for the exact same $ amount, or funds of the same $ value to be deposited into my Kiwibank account
This practice of forfeiting the money as advised by Regan in Customer Service - is not acceptable.
Their response:
Thank you for the time taken to discuss your concerns around the expiration of your Prezzy card.
We are sorry to hear you were unable to use the funds on the card prior to expiration however we are unable to extend the expiry date or reactivate your card.
Prezzy cards are valid for a minimum of 12 months with the expiry date being printed on the front of the card. Prezzy cards work much like many gift vouchers
- Once the card has expired any unused funds are automatically forfeit.
Prezzy card terms and conditions state;
1. Expiry: Your card can’t be used after the expiry date printed on the front of the card. Unused value remaining on expiry will automatically be forfeited.
Information regarding expiry is provided on the collateral provided with the card, on the rear of the card itself and at
Kind regards
Prezzy Card Admin

I found this article on Gift Cards, which is well worth a read
"With $2.5 billion lost through unused gift cards, many of us are letting what is practically free money expire. This year, don't procrastinate, know your rights, and get the most from your gift cards. ... "