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Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Monday 25 June 2018

The Life Of Kathe: The Kindness Of Strangers

You know that moment when you meet someone xtra special?
Well I met that person over the weekend, after I purchased a “Fluidity Barre”, via Trade Me.Shelley from "Lees Grove Emporium" has gone out of her way to help me, so that I can resume some form of fitness, with the Fluidity Barre.

When Shelley emailed me {we have had 9 emails back and forth}, I burst into tears of happiness that someone would actually go out of their way to help me.
My son, sixteen and half years old, came home from school, and asked why I had been crying, and I told Reilly of the kind deed that Shelley had done for me.
Although we talked via email, Shelley never judged me, or even knew of my illness, and lack of mobility.

I walk with the aid of a stick, BUT I have almost needed 2 Sticks this past fortnight, after spraining my ankle again!
Luckily this was my right ankle, instead of the Avulsion Fraction of my left ankle 3 years ago.
I am fortunate that my husband is a sportsman, and is used to strapping rugby players.
When I first did it last Saturday 16th June, my ankle/foot had gone to sleep, and my ankle/foot looked really floppy.

This is my leg, 9 days after crashing on it in my fall!

Next thing I know I had gone down like a tonne of bricks!

I was on the floor for 10 minutes unable to move because of the pain.
After the 10 minutes I tried crawling, but my knees were really bashed, so then I had to do a crab crawl to get to the couch.

Ouchy … this is days later!!!

I didn’t have enough energy to pull myself onto the couch, but I did have my phone handy and rang my husband {who was at the Rrrrrrrrugby Club}, who had to come home, and get me off of the floor {again!}.

Cut to 9 days later, and my ankle is still super sore and bruised, but hey … I am still able to shuffle!

If you get a chance, please visit Shelley's website "Lees Grove Emporium"

Monday 15 September 2014

So This Is Why Exercise Is Bad For You …

My Mom and I recently decided to take up walking twice a week, for our own health.
Our first day was last Tuesday, as soon as I put my Asics running shoes on, I could feel them rubbing.
We walked to the Mall {ran some errands} and back, and I knew before taking off my shoes, I would have a couple of juicy blisters.
Our next walk was on Friday, and as my feet were still sore, I wore Ballet Flats.
We walked to the Mall again to run errands, then added an xtra bit to our walk {of course we had to stop at the Dairy on the way back for a Magnum!}.

By the time I got home, my feet were now weeping!
Yesterday {Sunday} I had a good friend who is also a nurse bandage my foot, and just now taking the bandage off, this is how bad it Is now looking  …

 I tell ya… so this is why exercise is bad for you!
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