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Showing posts with label Cankle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cankle. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Life Of Kathe: Who Said Having A Disability Couldn’t Be Fun?!!!

"Who Said Having A Disability Couldn’t Be Fun?!!!"

The time has now come that I need to start using cane!
Having Fibromyalgia and Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome, along with a badly sprained ankle {we are now 8 weeks +2 days}, I have now resorted to using a Cane to help me get around.

I really wanted a Cane that screamed “Kathe”, and this Cane was perfect for me!
I love the pattern on it, it reminds me of my {many!!!} Jacqui E dresses!

It is height adjustable, and my Physio, Matt from Physio 54 adjusted it to the correct height for me.

Also, it is a folding Cane, which means it can fold up and fit inside my handbag!

Because I am now using the Cane {which my daughter has told ALL her friends about – (she and) they love it!}, I have had to change handbags, so I have gone from my black Kardashian Collection handbag {thank-you AliExpress!}, and reverted back to one of my 10 Kathy Van Zeeland Handbags {thank-you ebay!}. 
The reason for the switch is I needed a longer handle/strap that I can sling over my shoulder, + it is roomer to fit my Cane in!

Sue from Access Mobility was my “Mobility Specialist”, and helped me choose the Cane that reflected my personality, and I am rapt with Cane that I “walked” away with!
After all, “Who Said Having A Disability Couldn’t Be Fun?!!!”

Here are some piccies of my Cankle … cringe!

Cankle Day 1

Cankle Day 2

Cankle Day 4

Cankle Day 4.5

Cankle Day 6

Cankle Day 8

Cankle Day 14

Cankle Day 58 {8 Weeks + 2 days}

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