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Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts

Saturday 9 February 2019

Fundraiser: Let’s Get Sophie To Tahiti …

Hi Everyone!

My name is Sophie and I am a Year Thirteen (Grade 12) student at Waimea College {High School}.

In July this year {2019} (exact dates to be confirmed) my French class is travelling to Tahiti for 10 days so as to immerse ourselves in speaking French.
This trip is important to me as I am hugely passionate about languages, I also study Japanese, Te Reo Maori, and Korean, and I dream of one day having a career where I can use all of these languages.
This trip would highly benefit my French abilities and give me a big step up in my speaking capabilities.
I designed these shirts myself, the front saying "Why?" and the back saying "Because I can!" (in French of course!), because I am always being asked why I learn so many languages and spend so much of my time on them, and this is my answer. 
I hope you will all want to support me! 


To order, please go to 

Available to purchase in Premium Unisex T-Shirt, Long Sleeve Tee, Pullover Hoodie, and Women’s Slouchy Tank …


Friday 2 February 2018

Ageism : When Someone Of Age Is Taken Advantage Of …

Ageism : When Someone Of Age Is Taken Advantage Of …

According to the Dictionary …
Ageism {also spelled “agism” }: “is stereotyping of and discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age”

I have a very good friend, aged 76 years old, let’s call her “NO”

NO for “no-one”
NO for “not okay”
NO for “not on”
NO for “not obliged”
NO for “now older”

“NO”, aged 76 decided to purchase a new {pre-loved”} car.
She was advised that she would be getting a Trade-In value of $4,000 for her Mazda Demio.
“NO” was so delighted about the purchase of her new car, however when she went to sign the “Vehicle Purchase Agreement”, she was then advised that she would be only receiving $1,700 for her vehicle, that she had traded in.
She signed the document as “I didn’t want the bother”.

How many other elderly people have been in the same position as “NO”?

Another occasion recently, was when my father needed to update his glasses.
At the franchised Optometrist, he was advised that yes he did need his glasses updated.
As you walk into the Optometrist, you are bombarded with all the special offers, like buy one pair of glasses, and get a second pair for free.
So Dad thought it could be around $200-600 for his glasses.
But at the end of the day, he was then advised that his glasses were coming in at well over $1,000

Please check in with your aged friends/family members, once a week, your visit could end up saving your friend $100’s if not $1,000’s

Sunday 3 January 2016

The Kindness Of Strangers …

The Kindness Of Strangers …

Every year on the 30th Of December our town has a Market Day.
Richmond's Biggest Market Day was last Wednesday, 30 December 2015.
Over 100 stalls with gifts, crafts, food and entertainment for all.
Crafters from all round New Zealand meet and sell their wares.
On top of the Crafters, there was also allot of food stalls and clothing etc.

This year as I walked {with my stick Mac} the main street of town {which is closed for Market Day}, I came across my favourite spice company “The Original Smoke and Spice Company”.
I love love love their “Marlborough Sea Salt” …

“Marlborough sea salt is smoked by hand, and then tumble roasted with garlic, shallots, coriander and the mighty chilli! The result is one of the finest seasonings in the world. Suitable for both shakers and grinders, our sensational smoked seasoning will enhance all foods, elevating them to the heights of culinary nirvana”

The opening line of the Smoke and Spice man was “have you tried our Salt before?”
My reply was “I don’t need to try it, I love it!”
I have actually been out of this Salt for 3 months, so jumped at the chance to buy it.

I purchased 4 packets of the “Original Smoked Seasoning” and 1 packet of the “Lemon Zinger Seasoning”.

Before I left, the man asked why I had a stick.

I replied that “my body was shit”, he then asked if the shit would improve, and I said not likely.

As I turned to walk away, the man asked me to come back to him, and he pulled out of his pocket a beautiful flat black shiny stone, and gave it to me, to keep on my person for when things got bad.

I can’t tell you how touched I was, and how much this meant to me, as I was going through some serious medical issues.

I had to laugh though, when I got home my hubby showed me 4 packets of unopened “Original Smoked Seasoning” that were {somewhere} in the pantry!

So I am all set with my “Original Smoked Seasoning”, and it should last me till next when I see this lovely man from the “The Original Smoke and Spice Company”!

"Thank You" my Smoke and Spice man aka "Stranger".

If you check out the “The Original Smoke and Spice Company” website, you will find some mouth-watering recipes to try out!

And here a couple of articles that were written about "Richmond Market Day", from the Nelson Mail and Nelson Live.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Somebody Knows Something...

Somebody knows something...
My brother and sister-in-laws car was stolen last night from Richmond, and found burnt out this morning in Stoke.
Considering this is their only means of transport and they have 3 kids 7, 5 and 3 years old, due back at school ... this is disgraceful.
The culprits would have seen the 3 children's carseats in the backseat, and chose to steal the car anyway, AND removed the brand new tyres before torching it.
If you know anything, please contact the local police.


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