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Showing posts with label Reach Out. Show all posts

Monday 24 June 2024

6° Of Separation, In New Zealand, it is more like 3° of Separation ...

"Six Degrees Of Separation ..."

Have you heard of Six Degrees of Separation?
We live in New Zealand, and it is more like 3° of Separation ...

Please Press "P L A Y" for my Clip from Saturday 22.06.2024

For the last 30 years, I have been in a "Flight, Fight, Freeze" situation called "The Struggle Switch" by Dr Russ Harris, I am also learning some coping techniques for my stress levels.
I run regular background checks on any new person that enters my life, including my Medical Professionals - I had 8 Medical Appointments last week!
I check LinkedInFacebook, and do a Google search too on each person.
Usually, I only take on new Clients by word of mouth, in that someone I know can "vouch" for them!
I am very protective of my Kiddos {who are now 22-years-old, and almost 21-years-old}, and have tried to keep them out of the limelight {Internet/Facebook} as much as possible - for their own safety.


"The Struggle Switch" by Dr Russ Harris

About five years ago, I remember running from the house one night so scared, I even left my shoes behind.
I ran next door, who just happened to be a Cop's house.
When I knocked on their door, I made some excuse as to wondering if their daughter could walk my Pug Madi the next day.
The husband {Policeman} walked me home, and checked the house, before leaving, I never did have the courage to tell him why I ran.

W H Y am I in a "Flight, Fight, Freeze" situation?
Because 30 years ago, when I was 19-years-old, I was Raped by someone I thought of as a friend, and held there for 3 days in a building that looked like a Karate Dojo on the side of a Hill in Wellington.
When I went to the Police 8 years ago, with this basic description, they found the address within 24 hours, even though the building had been long gone.

The Investigating Team then spent 3 years building a V E R Y  strong case against my Assailant.
Unfortunately, as it was a "Historical Rape" the Jury did not find him Guilty, although they knew he had done it.
One Juror dropped out on the second day, as she couldn't take the evidence being revealed, and of course the subject of the Court Case.
There were 3 Jurors after the Trial who approached my Parents and Husband, and said they believed M E.

Which brings me T O D A Y, just over 5 years later, after the Court Case ...

I emailed my Lead Detective last week with my safety concerns because as of 5 years ago,
H E was living in the next Town over 114km {70 Miles}, and staying/living there with his parents.

My husband's Mother is due to pass away any day, we were advised last Tuesday 11th June that she had 24-48 hours left, and she still hanging in there, but now we/she are down to {hopefully} the last hours, as she now has a "Death Rattle" which is common in the elderly before they pass.

This means that when she does pass, and the family puts the Death Notice in the Newspaper/Online, it means my name will be in the Paper - again.

"Advanced Roof Repairs Nelson Ltd."

I also accepted a new Job earlier in the week to be "The Face" of a locally owned family construction business "Advanced Roof Repairs Nelson Ltd." - I am their "Social Media Maven" at present.
Which means when they run any advertising campaigns etc, I will be the Face of the Company, rather than the Owner Tony - I had a Meeting earlier in the week with the "Waimea Weekly" to discuss the Budget and Advertising Campaign.

My N E W Zimmer Frame "Hunter"
w/ Breakthrough Space Age Technology like a Carbon Fibre Frame
and the best of Danish Design

Along with my Long Term Depression, Nightmares and Flashbacks, I also have the Pain from my Spinal issues.
Sixteen weeks ago I had my second Spinal Operation, a "Revisal Coccygectomy", and I am also waiting on two more Spinal Operations {Spinal Fusion with Bone Graft and Cage at C4/C5, and Spinal Fusion of the Neck} and a full Ankle/Foot Reconstruction as I have "Tibialis Posterior Tenosynovitis" + Adult Flatfoot Deformity.

A N D, as I am now on a N E W Zimmer Frame, I named "Hunter" as it came to mind instantly, so that became her name!
For the past 30 years I have felt like the "Hunt-ed", but just recently, I have started to feel more like the "Hunt-er", as I start to come to terms with what has happened to me, both Mentally and Physically. 
"Hunter" has b
reakthrough Space Age Technology like a Carbon Fibre Frame, and has the best of Danish Design ...

"The Nelson Adventure Film Night"

I was actually so excited, as last week I had won Premier Tickets to MD Outdoors Presents "The Nelson Adventure Film Night" @ the "Suter Art Gallery", screening a selection of incredible local films!
I was so excited, that I rang 7 different family members and friends, and none of them wanted/could go.
As I am so scared for my safety, especially now that I am on a Zimmer Frame I didn't go, as there was no way I felt I could go on my own, and be S A F E.

Which brings me to
° of Separation ...

Yesterday, after tracking down H I S Sister-In-Law, I then discovered how
M A N Y  "friends of friends" we have in common.
The first one that alarmed me was my best-friend's Mom, along with my former Neighbour, an ex-work colleague of my Husbands, a MakeUp Artist friend, a childhood friend's Mom, a former Retail Assistant at my local Pharmacy, a Hubby from Baby Group {when the kiddos were little - I am friends with both Mr and Mrs on FB}, one of my Clients, A N D my Best friend!!!

My intention is not to out anyone, as his Sister-In-Law is likely Ashamed, Embarrassed, Angry and Horrified, at what he has done.
I often think of the families of the "B A D  P E R S O N", as they, the families are often just as innocent as the Victim{s}.
Sometimes, even having to report their own family member{s} to the Police, as they, the
"B A D  P E R S O Nmay be hurting those closest around them, before escalating and taking it out their Anger/Grief/Frustration/Evilness on strangers - and W R E C K I N G havoc on their Victims.
Life as a family member is hard, as long ad you're honest with yourself.
Can you imagine having to share the same Surname, and be forever asked ... "are you related to...?"
I too have this problem, as I "share" the same name as my Sister-In-Law - we married brothers!!!

So to conclude, "6° of Separation, In New Zealand, it is more like 3° of Separation ...

I have asked the Police to get eyes on my Rapist, to see if he is still in the next town over, and for our local Police to be advised of my Safety concerns, and to do regular Drive-bys.

As every day is a F I G H T for survival.

If you need help, please call 1737 to talk, 105 to report a non-life-threatening situation, or 111 if you are in danger.

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