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Sunday 2 June 2024

Raeward Fresh Tasman a Supermarket on Wheels

Raeward Fresh Tasman Wholesale

Did you know that "Raeward Fresh Tasman" is like a “Supermarket on Wheels”, that delivers to Businesses, 6 days a week, for the Top of the South Island?!!!

Some Businesses and Gyms like to provide a Fruit Basket for their Staff/Employees - how awesome are these Bosses/Employers?!!!

I know Microsoft in Wellington provides Breakfast Cereals etc, and unlimited drinks for their Staff of Genuises {yup that's my boy Reilly, who Interned there, the Summer of 2023}!

Also, think Work BBQ’s, Christmas and other Staff Functions that Employers usually hold throughout the year, Raeward Fresh Tasman has it all!

Raeward Fresh Tasman also delivers to a large number of Businesses in the Top of the South Island, think West Coast, Golden Bay, Marlborough and beyond.

To Restaurants, Bars, Cafes, Hotel, Motels, Takeaways, Churches and Hospitals, if you eat it / use it - they can supply it!

They have such a huge variety of goodies, think for example: 

Cheese ...

“Cheese” ... 
What Flavour? 
Parmesan, Brie, Camembert, Edam, Mild, Coly, Blue, Speciality etc etc
What Size?
500g, 1kg, 5kg, Wheel, the list goes on!

Or “Mushrooms” … Tinned or Fresh?

White Button, Swiss Brown Button, Portobello, Shitaka etc etc
Then you have Quality … Tag 1 {Best}, Tag 2/Market {2nd Best} Tag 3 {for Risotto’s}
And then you have weight!

Did you know there is such a thing called “Wild Mushroom Calendar”  that you may find interesting.

Artisan Breads ...

Please don’t get me started on the "Breads", from locally made Artisan Breads, to Supermarket branded Breads, even Breads with Cricket Flour Protein!!!

Anyways you get the drift!!!!

Raeward Fresh Tasman is literally a SuperMarket that delivers to Businesses!

From #Milk #Bread #FreshFruit and #Veges, #Pantry and #QualityMeat and #Fish from "Raeward Fresh Butchery - Factory Direct Store" on McGlashen Avenue, Richmond, and anything else you may look for in a Supermarket - Raeward Fresh Tasman has it all!

A quote from the Raeward Fresh Website ...

”At Raeward Fresh our passion truly lies within our produce and butchery offerings, celebrating seasonal and local when possible and bringing to the floor only the freshest of goods.
Alongside being the champions of fresh, our evolving range differs from region to region and is chosen with care from New Zealand’s top artisan producers – products with proven consistency and quality, offering taste and value from all cuisines and cultures.”

And ...

“On our shelves, you'll find all the culinary extras you need to create anything from basic to extraordinary meals at home.
Plus keep up with the latest products from our local or national artisan producers.”

Raeward Fresh actually had 3 Departments, the Retail Shop on Champion Road {Raeward Fresh Richmond - which has recently closed}, the Wholesale Department {"Raeward Fresh Tasman"}, based on Champion Road, and "Raeward Fresh Butchery - Factory Direct Store" on McGlashen Avenue - where you can still redeem your Gift Cards.

This is what I purchased with my Gift Card ...

What with the Retail shop on Champion Road closing lately, here are some of the Customer Comments ...

✦ Best shop ever

✦ You guys provided that amazing service during Lockdown

✦ Always had a great selection of Local Products

✦ Thank you for the last 10 years (I moved to Nelson in 2014) and have been a keen Customer for much of that time

✦ Much better quality and pricing at Raewards

✦ The best and only place to buy quality bbq cuts from in Nelson 

✦ I only left for 4 months, where will I buy the Tomahawk, Pichannha, 4 Sauceman Spiced Chicken, Beef and Pork Ribs from now!!?? 
Plus all the Rubs you guys stocked, again the only place in Nelson to do so

✦ During Covid they made it so much easier to get groceries, no big long lines, and we didn't have to wait long for Grocery Order to be delivered. 

✦ We have always supported Raeward as there are very few stores like this left, small, personal, and have those Products you couldn't find in the larger stores. 

I had a $50 Raeward Fresh Gift Voucher to spend, and I lovingly spent over an hour going up and down the Isles, and I really had not realised how big the range of Products are, that we carried - and I work in the Wholesale Department as "Wholesale Administrator" 4am>8am 4 days a week!

Raeward Fresh Richmond and Tasman were/are very keen to promote the Small Business Owner {like myself}, and specialise in Locally Made Products and Produce, and the range is immense.

This is what I purchased w/ my Gift Card, and I ate like a queen over the next few days, I so enjoyed myself, and I love to promote #LocalBusinesses too!

✦ Cyclops 

✦ Cyclops Authentic Greek Vanilla Bean Yoghurt  - the yummiest on the Market!!!

✦ Frooze Balls

✦ Isey Skyr Creme Brulee ✦

✦ Lisa’s Hummus ✦

✦ Philadelphia Cream Cheese ✦
Mmmmmm think Carrot Cake Icicng and Cheesecakes!!!

✦ Serious Fruit Chocolate Banana Bites ✦  

✦ Whittakers Cholate Lovers - Hazella ✦

+ an Avacado, Dole Pineapple, Grapes!

I really feel for the staff and friends that lost their Jobs, I can't count how many times I have been asked after long-term employee and friend Brian, and how he is getting on, let alone the rest of the Team.
As Raeward Fresh Richmond specialised and invested in many Small Business Owners and Local Suppliers, I really feel for them and their families too, as the impact of Closure has had a ripple effect on not just them, but other businesses too, like ... ZINK.

Zink Cafe BBQ and Heating
2 Champion Road
 Richmond, Nelson 7070

I wanted to give a shout-out to Zink BBQ and Heating next door...

The Team give such awesome service, and they have yummy food too #WinWin
Quite often {well 3 times}, I have had the Breakfast Sandwich, and OMG it was so yummy!!!
At work, we run a Coffee Club, and each morning, one of my colleagues would dash next door with the Coffee List.

My Co-workers in the Club take turns paying for all the Coffees, and I have sure had my share - although I am not in the Club!!!

Please check "Zink" out, on the corner of Champion Road, opposite the Supermarket - they also specialise in Weber BBQ’s and Heating.   Check 'em out soon - you won’t regret it!!


So to conclude, if you or your Business is wanting further info on how to set up an Account, and start getting your Raeward Fresh deliveries started, please contact ...

Mark Paton
Branch Manager
Raeward Fresh Tasman

        *This Article is of my own Opinion, and is #NotAPaidEditorial and #NotAnAd

#JorjaRoseNZ #SocialMediaMaven #KatheSocialMediaMaven #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #ShopLocal #RaewardFreshTasman #SupermarketOnWheels #FreshIsBest #YourFreshFoodPeople #FarmFresh #SmallBusinessOwner #Zink #ZinkBBQHeating #GreatFoodGreatPeople

Thursday 30 May 2024

I always wondered how I would go ...


6.29pm Wednesday 29th May 2024

As I sit here now writing this, the day that I had finally had enough, I had even chosen my style out, I always wondered how I would go, today was the day and it ended up being a Knife, slitting my Wrist upwards, toward my breaking Heart.

A friend Sheryl actually Posted on Facebook this morning the following, and I wondered if I would be #4, little did I know what the rest of the day would entail ...

Enjoy today for no-one is guaranteed tomorrow.

This week I will be attending my third funeral in just 9 months.
All for women between 38 and 59 who passed quickly and very unexpectedly.

We never know what is around the corner, so make the most of the day, smile at a stranger you pass on the street, wish the cashier a happy afternoon.
Kiss and hug your people and tell them you love them every time you part because you never know when you won't be able to do that again."


After reaching out for help numerous times in the past month, and publishing My Truth last week on Facebook to my friends and family, finally today had arrived.

This morning at 10.15am I was in the middle of a Phone Consult with Dr Tushkar at The Pain Clinic in Christchurch {we live 420km away}.

We were discussing how my Medical Marijuana was going, and what I was experiencing, when, in uncontrollable tears, shaking, breathless it all came pouring out {again} about MY PAIN, and how I felt Suicidal, have Self-Harmed in the past and been taken to Hospital in the past for my injuries.

Dr Tushkar took the initiative and phoned 111 and notified the Crisis Mental Health Team.

While waiting for the St John Ambulance to arrive, I asked my 20-year-old daughter to call my husband, as I was most likely going to be admitted.

The Ambo’s arrived, and they seemed a bit puzzled as to why they were there - after all it was a 111 phone call from 420km away!!!

After the introductions and nitty-gritty of Blood Pressure - High, Pulse - quick, Heart was still beating, and Oxygen - was rapid as I was breathing quickly, and crying alot, as I was "in crisis".

While I was going through my Meds with one Ambo, the other was ringing the Crisis Mental Health Team, and couldn’t get through - eventually leaving a message.

The way the Health system is set up, they could not take me to Nelson Hospital, to be then transferred to the Mental Health Team, they {the Mental Health Team} had to first Accept me as a Patient.

The first step was for the Crisis Team to be notified, and for me to be transferred into their care with a possible hospitalisation, a thorough Top-To-Toe inspection, including Injuries, Medication, Scans, MRI’s etc, and for someone to just sit with me, and listen.

After what seemed like forever, the decision was agreed for me to keep trying to call 1737, to notify them that I was Suicidal, but Safe, and to start a Dialogue.

For me to be supervised/watched for the remainder of the day and night by my Husband {which is a short-term solution}.

And for me to notify my Dr's Practice in Stoke.

After 3 calls to 1737 {first call on hold for 5+ minutes while I was with the Paramedics, and my Husband arrived, second phone call I was on hold, they finally answered after 38 minutes, then the call got disconnected, 3rd call I gave up, and used the option of them Texting me back with some Weblinks.

Today had iust got me to the point of no return as I have so much on my mind, most of which was MY PAIN.

I had a Jet Boat accident in 1996, and a Coccygectomy {removal of the Coccyx two years later}.

For the next 26 years I complained of the excruciating PAIN in my Back {this will be another Chapter}, but quite by #Accident {and thank goodness to Physiotherapist Marissa Stuart of BodyFix Nelson who referred me to Mr Nicholas Finnis Spinal and NeuroSurgeon at Christchurch Brain and Spine.

After an MRI of my Spine, Mr Finnis was surprised that I was even able to walk {at that time I relied on a Walking Stick I had nick-named "McKenzie"}, and that I needed an immediate Spinal Fusion, with Bone Graft and Gage at my C4/C5, which Mr Finnis then applied for Surgery through ACC, as this was the result of a very serious accident, when I was just 22 years old.

While the Application with ACC was still waiting to be accepted, Mr Finnis decided {again - thank goodness} to get Imaging done of my remaining Spine, and found a Spur/Nodule at the end/base of my Spine, and that YES, I had had a #Botched Operation for the past 26 years!

12 weeks ago I had a “Revisal Cocygectomy” at St George’s Hospital in Christchurch, and am in more Pain than ever, as I recover from this, my second Spinal Op.
Which is a real #Bummer {pun intended} as literally, your Coccyx is where you sit down on your Bum or "sit upon" as my Grandmother would say!

At the moment I am in desperate need of two Spinal Fusions, C4/C5 and my Neck, and an Ankle/Foot Reconstruction, as I have “Tibialis Posterior Tenosynovitis” and “Adult FlatFoot Deformity”, which involves Ligament and Muscle lengthening, removal of the inflamed Tendon lining, Tendon transfers, cutting and realigning Bones, placement of Implants to realign the Foot, and Joint fusions, 6 months in a Moon Boot, 12-24 months recovery.

WOWsiers .. that was a mouthful, so all of the above, plus inadequate Pain Relief was just the final tip on the Scale today.

Looking at this Reel I posted yesterday, you would never know what is going on …

Posted earlier that day, Wednesday 29.05.2024


I actually Posted the following to my Personal Facebook page last week, and only 2 people reached out to see if I was okay …

Throwback to five years ago, taken just after the Court Case for my #MeToo Kidnap and Assault that happened when I was 19 years old.

Looking at this photo, you don't see a suicidal woman, with Long Term Depression and PTSD, with a history of alcohol abuse, prescription drugs, and self-harming.

You see what I had to/needed to show, a "Mask of MakeUp", so I could step out the door.

I was and am scared all the time, that I will run into HIM, that he has the Power to hurt me and my children further.

I am a Survivor, and even though it was advised by friends, family, and Professionals not to take this to Court, within 24 hours of me going to Nelson Police, based on my description of being held in a building in Wellington, that looked like a Karate Dojo on the side of the Hill, they had the Address!

Over the next 3 years the Police built such a strong case, and he was shaking in his Boots when it came down to the Verdict, as he knew he was Guilty, and likely going to Prison for 8+ years.

Due to it being "Historical" the Jury decided there was not enough "physical" evidence, but they believed ME.

Three Jurors approached my husband and parents after the Trial, and said THEY believed ME.

What they, the Jury didn't know is he had also attempted the same thing with a 16-year-old teenager, who was at the time his girlfriend's daughter.

Fortunately, she was able to wiggle out from under him {he was 6+ feet Tall, 130kg+ in weight}.

They had gone to the Police, but decided not to press Charges - it's on File.

He had also been Fired from his Career at the Bank for Fraud, he had taken ALOT of money, and was Loaning it out to "mates" who didn't qualify for a Loan.

He was also Charged and Convicted for trying to take a Bong onto a flight from Auckland, it's in the Newspaper.

There is so much more I could say, but it will all be in my book I am working on called "The Next Chapter".

I am still pleased I went to the Police, although it took me many years, as the first person I told of the assault said to me "I wouldn't let a guy do that to me"!

Sorry babes, in a situation like this, the choice is out of your hands.

The more people that Report instances like this, it builds a Case for his/their next innocent victim, which means my Testimony will be admissible in Court, if he ever gets accused again.

I don't talk about it often, but it is always in my mind and in my relentless nightmares.

Please speak up, I am here if you need someone to listen.

Please reach out and ask for help.

#MeToo #SpeakUp #5YearsOn #TriggerWarning #PTSD #LongTermDepression #Nightmares

"Emergency and Support Helplines"


Actress Elizabeth Moss

In some ways, I feel like Actress Elizabeth Moss's character in her new drama Series “The Veil”.
It f
ollows the relationship between two women playing a deadly game of truth and lies.
One woman has a secret, and the other has a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost.
Elizabeth plays Imogen Salter, a Spy and MI6 agent, with countless undercover clandeston assignments and Identities/ Legends ...

Elizabeth Moss in "The Veil"

I feel like I have lived 100 Lives or Legends, and lately all my possible Lives are coming forward as I constantly think about MY Past, and now have to start thinking about MY Future and stay Positive.


I only said last night {before this happened} that when I FINALLY get my Ops, I may grow 6cm Taller, as I have shrunk 6cm in height since I was 17 years old!
PLUS I have been told I will be in less PAIN after My Ops, than what I am in now!
AND I will be a Bionic Woman, with quite possibly no Zimmer Frame! #WinWin

I say it again, please speak up, I am here if you need someone to listen.
Please reach out and ask for help.



#TheLifeOfKathe #OneDaytAtATime #FiveMinutesAtATime #Pacing #SpoonTheroy #StepByStep #Meditation #MeToo #SpeakUp #5YearsOn #TriggerWarning #PTSD #LongTermDepression #Nightmares #Accident #ACC #BrokenHealthSystem #LivingWithChallengers #SelfCare 

#ShineOn #VineAppareal #NOOZ #BobbiBrown #CharlotteTilbury

#JorjaRoseNZ #SocialMediaMaven #SocialMedia #Instagram 

Monday 13 May 2024

Mother's Day 2024 ...

Mother's Day 2024

Wishing all the Mums out there a Happy Mother's Day.

This sincere message is going out to all the Mums, StepMums, WanaBeMums, TryingToBeMums FurMums, GrandMums, SisterMums, AuntieMums, Mums whose Partner has given birth, Mums who have lost a child, Fathers who have lost their childs Mother figure, and Fathers who are in same-sex relationships, and taken on both roles as Mother and Father, and for a lot of us, women who have lost their own Mum to soon/early...

For many, Mums, they look forward to Mother's Day, but to others, including myself, Mother's Day is a Trigger, along with other certain days, like Easter and Christmas.

It's funny looking back ... as a Child people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up?

My answer was always to be a "Mother", but I soon learned that people didn't like that answer, they wanted a Career, so I made it up, now I wanted to be a "Chartered Accountant".
That later changed to "Forensic Pathologist".

For me, I spend Mother's Day on the verge of Tears, and do cry several times during the day.

As a Mother, I feel inadequate, because I was never able to get down on the floor and play with them as babies.

I wasn't able to breastfeed either of my babies {because of my health}, who were 17 months apart.

The Kiddos were never put in Day Care, or as my friends called it "School".

Because I have been sick most of my Adult life due to a Jet Boat accident in 1996, I constantly worry that this has impacted on my kid's lives.

As the kids grew up, we took heaps of photos, but I was always insecure about my appearance, and have less than a handful of photos with me and the kids.

Literally, these are all the Photos of us together, that I have ...

When Reilly was about five months old, I was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression, which has now developed into "Long Term Depression", and I have been on Meds since I was 19 years old.

I/we are so proud of our son Reilly, 22 years old, as he graduates from University this week with Honours, in a "Bachelor of Engineering", and First Class Honours in Software Engineering.
Reilly is already employed as a Software Engineer at a BIG company in Wellington, on more $ than my Hubby earns!

JorjaRose still lives at home with us, and has been working at The Warehouse for 3 years now.
She is very Artistic, and loves to spend her days reading, or putting Kit Sets together - like our new {Work In Progress} Bathrooms!

Please do not get me wrong, being a Mother has been my greatest accomplishment so far, and I told my daughter so last week.
Of the last 30 years I have been through, my/our Kiddos have pulled me through times of Depression, two Spinal Op's with another 2 needed + a total reconstruction of my Ankle/Foot next year, and numerous accidents, where they {as Kiddos} had to call the Ambulance.
I fought like hell to have a family, like many other women, after having 2 Miscarriages.

With both Kiddos, I didn't find out what we were expecting, when Reilly was born unplanned on Rubbish Bags at our new Home {Yes, another Chapter}, we named him "Reilly John", John is a family name, and "JorjaRose" was saved for later, if we were fortunate enough to get a baby girl.

Their initials are actually switched, RJ and JR, and I have a Ying Yang Tattoo {from 20 years ago!!!} with 2 Dolphins chasing each other on my lower back - yes a Tramp Stamp!

Whilst pregnant with {pregnancy #4} JorjaRose, I lost my Memory, and got severe "Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction" {when the Pelvis separates}.
By 31 weeks, I was on Crutches with 2 Smiley Belts {to winch my Pelvis closed}, and a double TubiGrip {elasitacate Bandage} that supported me from mid-Thigh to under the Bust.
I was eventually hospitalised and in a Wheel Chair for a week, before she was induced at 38/3.
When she finally arrived {that is a whole Chapter on it's own}, I couldn't believe I had a baby girl, after all that I had gone through to get her.

As I always wanted to be a Mum, I worked my hardest to be there for them both, most people assumed I had twins as they were the same size.

I went back to work when JorjaRose was one year old to the day!
Fortunately, I was able to spend the day with the Kiddos, and I worked a Night Shift, from 4pm on - way past midnight, as a "Duty Manager" in an expensive Resort Hotel for 3 and a 1/4 years, that started 01.08.2004

Apart from my insecurities about being a "good Mother", what hurts the most about Mother's Day for me, is that my Kiddos hardly ever acknowledge it.

This year, I got a Text from my 22-year-old son, and my 20-year-old daughter has not mentioned a bean about Mother's Day today.

In the past I have been so upset, and have brought it up more than once to my hubby, and he would say, "Well you're not my Mother"! 
I would reply with "No, but I am the Mother of your Children and you need to act on their behalf".

Mother's Day has also affected my own Mother, as because I am so sad on Mother's Day, the last thing I want to do is pop around and be a happy dutiful Daughter, when literally some Mother's Day{s} I have spent curled up in bed crying.

Today I went out of my way to make my Mum feel special.
I gave her a handmade Card with a Bookmark, a Photo Collage, a Cadbury Moro, and a Richmond Mall Voucher, plus I drove around to her house and shared a cupper with her this afternoon.

AND I sang her "Happy Mother's Day" twice!

I explained to Mum how much Mother's Day affects me {in Tears}, and she assured me she has some photos tucked away of me and the Kiddos, but in the interim, this is all that I have ...

My hope is that if I am fortunate enough to become a Gran/Nana, I will teach my Grandbabies the importance of being thankful towards their Parents, and that Mother's Day and Father's Day should be "Any Day", as every day we should be thankful for what we have.

Last week, I decided to start "My Next Chapter", so I am taking photos of myself {and with the Kiddos}, Posting online, and sharing my Truth.

So the moral to my story about Mother's Day is Social Media is F A K E  

We are all faking it, and pretending that we are "Happy" and "Cherry" with our Posts about Mother's Day, but deep down, some of us are crying on the inside.

I want you to know you are not alone.   I cry with you. 


"The Life Of Kathe" 

#MothersDay #TriggerWarning #PTSD #LongTermDepression  #LivingWithChallengers #SelfCare
Clothing by #ShineOn #VineApparel
MakeUp By #BobbiBrown #CharlotteTilbury

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