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Showing posts with label Accident. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accident. Show all posts

Monday 25 June 2018

The Life Of Kathe: The Kindness Of Strangers

You know that moment when you meet someone xtra special?
Well I met that person over the weekend, after I purchased a “Fluidity Barre”, via Trade Me.Shelley from "Lees Grove Emporium" has gone out of her way to help me, so that I can resume some form of fitness, with the Fluidity Barre.

When Shelley emailed me {we have had 9 emails back and forth}, I burst into tears of happiness that someone would actually go out of their way to help me.
My son, sixteen and half years old, came home from school, and asked why I had been crying, and I told Reilly of the kind deed that Shelley had done for me.
Although we talked via email, Shelley never judged me, or even knew of my illness, and lack of mobility.

I walk with the aid of a stick, BUT I have almost needed 2 Sticks this past fortnight, after spraining my ankle again!
Luckily this was my right ankle, instead of the Avulsion Fraction of my left ankle 3 years ago.
I am fortunate that my husband is a sportsman, and is used to strapping rugby players.
When I first did it last Saturday 16th June, my ankle/foot had gone to sleep, and my ankle/foot looked really floppy.

This is my leg, 9 days after crashing on it in my fall!

Next thing I know I had gone down like a tonne of bricks!

I was on the floor for 10 minutes unable to move because of the pain.
After the 10 minutes I tried crawling, but my knees were really bashed, so then I had to do a crab crawl to get to the couch.

Ouchy … this is days later!!!

I didn’t have enough energy to pull myself onto the couch, but I did have my phone handy and rang my husband {who was at the Rrrrrrrrugby Club}, who had to come home, and get me off of the floor {again!}.

Cut to 9 days later, and my ankle is still super sore and bruised, but hey … I am still able to shuffle!

If you get a chance, please visit Shelley's website "Lees Grove Emporium"

Saturday 31 March 2018

The Life Of Kathe: Yep, It's Another Accident!!!

The Life Of Kathe: Yep, It's Another Accident!!!

Welcome to my latest Craftin' injury!!!
A week ago today I was teaching a private all day Class.
I am VERY fortunate that my bestie Aleisha is an Advanced Care Paramedic!!!
I was working at the kitchen counter with my Sizzix BigShot, when my "Sizzix Precision Steel Plate" fell from the bench straight towards my foot!

To give you an idea of the Sizzix Precision Plate, here are the specs:
Constructed of high-quality annealed steel, the Base Plate allows for precise die-cutting of intricate Sizzix Thinlits dies, and weighs .87lb

As you can see from the photos, all of which were taken today, the angle of the Precision Plate pierced my foot with the corner, which is very sharp!

At that same moment, the injury also caused a vein in my foot to blow up.
Luckliy Aleisha wasst thinking and placed a pack of ice on my foot.

Cut to exactly 7 days later, and you can see the bruising is along my toe-line, and also along the base of my foot + my foot is still very swollen and tender.

Does it still hurt?   Heck yeah!
But I always say, "Craft till ya bleed", I think this was a tad over the top this time though!

Anyways, it hasn't stopped me from Craftin', as I spent the better part of today in my Craft Haven.
I always look on the bright side ... it could have been worse, I could have chopped my toe off!

Tuesday 10 January 2017

The Life Of Kathe: Hello New Year, Hello First Accident Of The New Year ...

“Still livin’ life and being a dare-devil!!!”

Well, I started the New Year with sass and attitude!

Hello New Year, Hello First Accident Of The New Year ...

On New Year’s Eve, spent a lovely day out with my favourite Cookie Monsters, and Mr and Mrs Cook!!!
JorjaRose mastered the Knee Board, and I had a ride in the "Cooked" Sidewinder Boat, my first jet boat ride in 20 years! – SUCCESS!!!
Reilly came out boating after Uncle Craig bet him $20 that he wouldn’t get wet and have fun … Craig lost his $20!!!

On Tuesday, 03.01.2017, we had a family “Fish and Chip” Tea night.
Love our family nights, we also caught up with family from Christchurch, along with 2 of my brothers, their families, and my Mom and Dad, + of course Wayne, Reilly and JorjaRose.
Afterwards we had a game of Kiwi Backyard Cricket, and we all played ...

Here's a video of my beloved brother Pete, entertaining us all ...

{please click on the photo to start the video}

I had a runner {due to my walking cane "MacKenzie"}, did a massive 4, overbalanced, fell over and fractured my ribs on the left side.
To say I’m in PAIN is a very accurate description!!!
The A&E Doc said it could take 12 weeks to heal … that’s gonna be towards the end of Sale-A-Bration!!!
May have to spend allot of time recuperating, and on my computer, checking out Pinterest of course!
Oh well … didn’t expect to have an accident so early on in 2017, but I’m gonna keep pushin’ on!

From my family to yours, wishing you a very Happy New Year!

btw didn’t need any Iodine this time!
btw here are the Rules Of Backyard Cricket ...

#2017 #FirstAccidentOfTheYear #Oldham #Cook #Hunt #family #MonacoWaimeaInlet

Monday 27 February 2012

Mishap on the way to the Oscars …

"Mishap on the way to the Oscars"
6th March 2012

I was so looking forward to watching the
E Red Carpet Oscars this morning at 11.30am, so thought I would squeeze my Banking in beforehand.
Got to the Richmond Mall at 11.20am, anyways long story short … I took a tumble in the Car-Park, whilst wearing my gorgeous new Pulp Wedges!

Not sure if I Blacked out, or head my head, but found myself sitting on the curb, resting my right Wrist in my Lap.
I thought I was okay till I took a look at my Wrist, I was wearing a wide Sterling Silver 
Bangle, and the skin had started swelling and bulge out either side of the Bangle and was turning a blue/green colour already!

Luckily it happened right outside Paper Plus and the ladies in there were awesome!
Megan rang my hubby to ask him to take me to Nelson Hospital Accident & Emergency.
Ren made an icepack for me, which made a HUGE difference to the bruising and swelling, and Anna made me a strong cup of Coffee with 3x Sugars!!!

So I pretty much spent the whole afternoon in the Hospital, and after all the drama, I only have bruised bones and deep tissue damage, but no broken bones - thank goodness.

Being my right Wrist, I was sooooo concerned about not being able to put my MakeUp on, let alone personal hygiene!

Oh and BTW … I missed the Oscars!
However my #Fav Actress Reese Witherspoon W O N an O
scar, at the age of 29-years-old, and she looked so beautiful ...

The Life Of Kathe, Living With Challengers, One Step At A Time,
Accident, Pulp Shoes
#LivingWithChallengers #SelfCare #Pacing

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